AF3IRM Calls for Peaceful Resolution in Hong Kong

NATIONAL--  AF3IRM views with great concern the tear-gassing and pepper-spraying of Hong Kong student and resident protesters. The state's use of these methods is unacceptable - the people should be allowed to bring their messages of discontent to the streets, especially in the face of state-sanctioned oppression. The use of tear gas and pepper spray, whether in Hong Kong or … Continue Reading ››

AF3IRM National Summit “Women on the Wave” is Almost Here!

AF3IRM is proud to host their National Summit and 25th Anniversary "Women on the Wave" on Saturday, October 11th through Sunday, October 12th in Los Angeles. The summit gathering will take place at the Social Justice Academy at the Miguel Contreras Learning Complex (322 S. Lucas Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90017). AF3IRM aims to bring together women-identified individuals … Continue Reading ››

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